Saturday, April 21, 2007

The waiting game....

Nothing doing on the baby front (so more pictures of us doing household chores!!!!!!)(congratulations Gav and Faye.... you beat us to it!) in fact the Doctor says that he/she has yet to engage so maybe we're all in for a bit of a wait...

... still we're not being left to sit back and wait due to Beths now "infamous" jobs lists. Poor old John and Jean landed less than a week ago and have been subjected to the poorest of treatment and unacceptable working conditions, Matt her brother is now too affraid to come around being scared he'll be taken a DIY hostage and I'm juggling a full time job while doing a bit of writing for the Hamilton Trust. As I type this I can hear scrubbling from the bathroom (Jean and the floor rather than her back!) and drilling from underneath our bed, I'll help John out in a mo!!!!

We're making the best of the Autumn weather to get jobs done around the garden, the grass has been cut with the new mower, gates removed, huge stones laid to make stepping stones, deck painted so that all traces of the party have now been removed, garden cleared (I now have a tab and I'm on first name terms at the Recycling Centre!)

Beth is still getting around and dissapearing on mammouth shoppping trips to baby shops, I was (un)lucky enough to tag along on one (four and a half hours - three shops). The selection of strollers is bewildering and I think we genuinely spent less time looking at cars... there is little difference in price! Jean and John kindly bought the stroller for us and we love it, Beth is pictured with the first six months set up, with a push of a button it (yeah right!) will later be transformed into something else.

Right better go.... jobs to do!

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