Friday, April 27, 2007

Due Date +2

Still nothing doing down under although Beth is starting to behave strangely. She has spent all evening sat at a sewing machine making sheets for the cot!... this isn't typical Beth behaviour so maybe this "nest building" activity suggests something is about to happen!?!?

Anyone got good ideas for bringing on the baby? We've done the curry thing and the OTHER thing with no result... someone has suggested a pineapple but didn't give us enough information about what to do with it to give it a go! :0)


Anonymous said...

My suggestions are driving over Speedbumps and rasperry leaf tea. Not necessarily at the same time!! Could be messy.

Lucy (Dubstar)

Anonymous said...

Having read all there is to know on this subject, may I suggest massaging ankles - Beth's not Paul's! Apparently, if you go for pregnancy massages they won't do your ankles as it has been known to induce labour. If that doesn't work, I have also read that pulling on the nipplinas is supposed to do the same thing (again-Beths....). Failing that can't help sorry!
Heidi X