Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pitter Patter of Tiny Feet...

... no not ours yet! But getting closer...

There have been some expected arrivals over the last couple of weeks though as our friends Matt and Kate, and Brett and Kel welcomed their babies in to the world.

Somewhat unexpectedly Matt and Kate (they knew they were having a baby but it just came before Brett and Kels!) became proud parents on the 28th March at 2:25am. Bejamin Snow aBeckett weighed in at 3.1kg and measured up at 50cm.

Elliott Finn Graham eventually emerged into the world at 2:39 am on the 3rd April. He weighed in at 3.63kg and 51 cm. He was obviously very comfortable as he needed some persuasion to come out after overstaying his welcome by two weeks. Well worth the wait though Brett and Kel?

We should have some good news of our own before the end of THIS month!

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