Monday, July 16, 2007

Alfie's first roll...

After returning from the supermarket where Alfie experienced his first looking forward papoose carry (seemed to enjoy it carried a lemon for mummy before falling asleep after a brief conversation with the lady behind the deli counter!)we placed Alfie on the sofa. Much to our amazement he rolled from his back to his front, we were a little stunned before getting all over excited. Alfie obviously realised he'd done something special and followed it up with a repeat performance...

So out came the video camera and yes you've guessed it nothing... still here's a nice video of Alfie struggling to get a word in between Beth's cooing! ;0)


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

I thought Beth's commentary very interesting, Dave wanted to know where's the cat and we both wondered what "slip slops" are?! xxx

Paul and Beth said...

Lovvl... it was slightly reminisent of Charlie the child safety cat of days of old ... remember him? "Rrrwrr arrwarrrwa arwwa awa wr raawr" Charlie says "Always tell your parents before you go off somewhere!"