Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Flops and Socks! ... and other footwear!

Since bagging Beth for her Croc's and socks a few weeks ago, even going as far as posting pictures on the blog, revenge has been in the air.

Beth the other day shaped to take a picture of me and Alfie and at the last moment took a picture of the floor, with Beth now smirking I looked down in horror to see "flops and socks" (or "wrong thongs" if you're an Aussie!)

Oh the shame...

Now that Winter has truly set in we have invested in a pair of UGG boots each for the house, in fact tell a lie in Beth tradition she now has two pairs and is negotiating for another pair for her birthday in September! This is what Wikipedia has to say about the humble UGG.

The ugg boot is a generic term for a style of boot, constructed of sheepskin, with the wool as the inner lining and a tanned outer surface. Ugg boots often have a synthetic sole, although this is not mandatory. They evolved in Australia as a type of slipper for cold weather use and are also known as ugh boots and ug boots.

In Australia, sheepskin boots have long been popular with people in rural occupations, who have ready access to the raw materials, such as sheep shearers. Their popularity increased as a result of World War I and World War II, when sheepskin boots were popular with aviators, because of their need to keep warm in non-pressurised planes at high altitudes. Ugg boots have also been popular with surfers and competitive swimmers since at least the 1960s, for keeping warm while out of the water. Nevertheless, in Australasia, bogans and members of related subcultures are generally the only people who wear them in public. Most Australians only wear ugg boots around the house, or on trips no further than local shops.

Interestingly Beth has been known to wear her UGGs outside... and just in case you wanted to know what a Bogan is... Wikipedia tells you that:

Bogan (pronounced /ˈbəʉ.gn̩/, rhyming with slogan) is Australian and New Zealand English slang for a person who is, or is perceived to be uncouth or unsophisticated

... I'm saying nothing! :0)


Anonymous said...

Just a little Parker fact about UGG boots - my waters for Oz broke in my first pair. It's fair to say I didn't wear them afterwards (even though they dried out nicely!.The following Christmas I got sent a replacement from the rellies which was great as I missed them!

Paul and Beth said...

... I know what you mean my pumps have never been the same since just before Alfie arrived! ;0)