Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The World According to Alfie...

G'day Blog fans,
I've not been on here for a little while as I've been busy practicing my talking and rolling over, mostly when the camera is turned off.

What else have you been up to Alfie I hear you ask?
Well Mum had mastitis last week and things got a little hard to swallow, those nice soft pillows that I get to lie down on suddenly became very hard!... it didn't seem like much fun for mum either and she didn't really appreciate my hands on (and squeezing) approach to feeding. Still she went off to see the doctor who gave her some medicine and now things are getting back to normal. In the meantime I had to drink from the bottle. Mummy and Daddy had some friends here over from the Inger Lands at weekend, I thought I was a really big boy justlike daddy who was also doing lots of drinking from a bottle too!

I have feet and slowly I can get them closer to my mouth, I have found that if I pull hard enough on my trousers I can lift my foot that little bit closer! Soon I'll be able to lick my toes clean just like my hands!

Mummy says that I look like a Koala... which is like a teddy bear that can move all by itself, now that I have seen them at the animal park I can't see the similarity! I don't have fur and I don't sleep for twenty hours a day! Also I much prefer to sleep in my bed than a tree although my crib is getting a little small for me now, I have seen my new bed and I think that I am going to like my new room when I move in there soon. Daddy has moved all his clothes into the wardrobe next to mine, he says that mummy has taken all the space in their room with her clothes.

This week I am three months old and so I am going back to hospital to say hello to all my little friends who were born at the same time as me, I know that mum and dad are looking forward to it and so am I, I think it's good for us babies to get together and compare notes on our mums and dads.

Mummy and Daddy say that another Grandma lady is coming to stay next week, I like having Grandmas (....and Grandpas too!) here as they are kind and spoil me. I'm not sure where mum and dad hire them out from but we have had two good ones so far.

I promise to roll over for the camera soon, I do get a little camera shy, until then you can have a look at this video. It features yours truly shaking my rattle, a glimpse of Dad looking ridiculous in uggs and shorts and mum in the background asking where the yellow ribbon went!

Bye for now...


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little chap. Can't decide who he looks more like - a real mixture of both of you.
Lloyd and Lou X

Paul and Beth said...

As you have used the word gorgeous must be more like me!!!! ;0)
