Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mum arrives ....

My mum arrived safely if a little tired on Tuesday night. It was a strange feeling having spoken to Mum on the Sunday knowing that she was en route and that I still had two days at work. Not so much of a small world after all then!

She has spent a couple of days getting her body to work out what time of day or night it is. Sleeping has not been aided by a very unsettled Alfie who is struggling with croup and a number of teeth coming through. He is struggling...

Its also been tough being at work since Wednesday so we are very much looking forward to the weekend and spending some time together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly

So glad that your Mum has arrived safely - with, I think!, a suitcase full of toys/clothes for Alfie and just a carrier bag for herself! Hope Kathy's body clock is sorting itself hope and SO hope that Alfie is feeling better and not struggling - you are Beth are doing everything you can to help Alfie - front and back etc.! but croup and teeth - a troublesome combination.

With love to all of you - Jean & John xxxx