Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yes more park pictures!!!!!!

Not more park pictures I hear you cry, well yes there are! With Alfie becoming more and more active getting out of the house and keeping him busy is very important, and therefore we have become very frequent visitors down at the park.

We had cousins Liam and Joel with us today as they stayed with us overnight. We had great fun playing on all the equipment but enjoying the slippery dip (...slide to you UK readers!) the most. Alfie now goes on the big boys slide without any help. Check out this short video clip... listen out for the sounds of excitement at the top, closely followed by the squeaking of the hand and gum boot (... wellingtons!!!) brakes!

Here's a few more pics...

... promise not to post any more park pictures for a while!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly

We love all park pictures at any time!

One photo where Alfie did look v like Joel and good to see Liam looking so relaxed and happy .
Lovely video clip of Alfie on slider!certainly got the movements!

Jean and John xx