Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sporting Success...

There was some sporting success to report over the weekend, as I captained the four man marathon running team from school through the local vineyards up in the Hunter Valley.

Each of us ran 10.1km at the same time and our times were added together to give us a marathon distance time, which came in comfortably under four hours. It was a fairly tough run for lots a reasons, the first being Heartbreak Hill at 6km which did just that and secondly the fact that my enthusiasm for all things fitness has wained slightly. That said I have been maintaining some fitness through my football and the Hillsborough Hornets, but as far as running goes I've been missing in action my Saturday morning runner partner says! I'd rather say that I've been tapering my training...

.. well getting fit is hard work while getting unfit is actually quite easy! It was clear to see that I'd lost a bit of edge not helped by lung punctures, being far too busy and having a recent head cold. Still thats to take nothing away from Ralph who had too much for me on the day! I had to settle for second place in our four man team on the day... hardly a captains innings! However I make that 2-1 now after two earlier narrow victories over the former professional footballer! He'll be keen to level things up at the next run....

After the race most people drifted off including the three members of the team (Ralph, Andrew and Brett - all teachers at school) leaving me to enjoy the rest of the morning and hang around for the presentations to see if we actually won anything! Much to my, Beth's, Alfie's (... and Amy and Mitchell's they were up in the sponsors tent. Mitchell has moved to a different accountancy!) surprise I was called up to collect the 1st place certificates as well as some bottles of 2007 locally grown vintage!

I do now feel a little more inspired and motivated and hope to continue building some fitness without going all out again and getting too burnt out and bored with the whole thing. It seems that I either do nothing or go at it like an Olympic Athlete. Still I hope to have more sporting success to report soon... I'm now preparing for the Lake 10.5km later next month. Hopefully I should be in a little better shape!


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Well done Paul, I'm very impressed. I did think of you on Sunday as I tucked into my bacon and eggs ;o) Good luck for the next one. Marianne x

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly
Huge congratulations on captaining your team to Sporting Success - and 1st prize! in 4 man marathon at Hunter Valley - you are a definite asset to HVGS!
Points Plus! for acknowledging Ralph's fitness (on the day!) - graciousness is a virtue!
Hope you enjoy locally grown vintage - good wishes for Lake run.

Jean and John xx