Sunday, May 10, 2009

Birthday Party ...

It would seem that every time we invite people around to our place we get some typical English weather, and Alfie's birthday was no exception. Luckily for us we had already decided to celebrate his birthday at a local indoor soft play centre.

The adults and kids all seemed to have a great time. Adults enjoying some relaxation time, coffee and food, while the kids were happily playing. The adults even managed to get on some of the equipment, only to supervise the children you understand!!!! The big kids and Liam and Joel also managed to get kitted up for the climbing wall.

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With hindsight it was a great venue, as it meant we could do all the things we wanted to do, and not have to worry about the food and/or the clearing up. Beth made a great job on the fairy cakes... the kids did a great job polishing them off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun Fotos! Alfie looked gorgeous! doted on by cousins Liam and Joel!
cakes looked scruptious and adults had fun on climbing wall and in soft play! - Great Birthday!xxxx