Sunday, May 24, 2009

North Face 100...

With the onset of thirty five-ness I've been getting itchy feet to get up and do something this year, call it "just a little before mid life crisis" or avoiding a little middle aged spread, to challenge myself. I've come up with the North Face 100 which is a 100km foot race through the Blue Mountains. This years event has just taken place with three hundred and thirty runners completing the course which is considered the most testing in Australia. Here's a video of last years event...

I intend to follow a specific training schedule from December onwards, but slowly build up from now. I'll do it to raise some cash for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the John Hunter Hospital. The run isn't until 15th May 2010 but with that sort of distance I'll need to be prepared. I'll let you know how it's going...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Very challenging! U CAN DO IT!
Great Cause! Good to see that Provisions are Provided!
Jean & John xx xx