Thursday, July 15, 2010

Changing Rooms ...

With the school holidays almost over I can finally take a step back and look at some of the transformations we've managed during the last three weeks. Alfie's bedroom once yellow and green (... yes painted before he was born!) ...

... is now blue, has a wooden floor and has become the office!

Meanwhile the back room which was supposed to me a dining room/office working space but became a Steptoes Yard looked like this last week ...

... now you might think that we staged these pictures, I wish that were the case! A friend (... remember this is a friends comment ... it could have been worse!) looked aghast at the scene of devastation and could only remark "Oh I'm so sorry!" I guess its what happens when you work from home at times, have a lack of space, two kids and some building work going on. It was actually where we sat to look at the architectural plans with the architect. I think he could see the issue we were having. However with the building work complete we are getting close to the home that we wanted this house to be ... this is how the same room looks today...

... some new retro chairs from eBay $50 for the lot. (... 25 English pounds)

... a retro unit also from the Bay of e.

... oh and a table which I'm told was there all the time and can be spotted by the eagle eyed in one of the before photos!! ;0)


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your dining room looks fab guys - well done to you both. Oh and the other rooms are also looking pretty good too ;o)

Anonymous said...

Clock looks great! xx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Transformation! - Never b4 has so much been achieved in 3 weeks!
Office looks streamlined and dining room looks FANTASTIC! - 5* surroundings for John's breakfast/paper - indoors and out!
Yes, John was impressed with toolbox tidy! - inspection later this year!
Enjoy all your achievements Iveys!