Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Progress ...

With me being on holiday for three weeks its given me a good opportunity to get stuck into some renovations. We moved in to our new bedroom a couple of weeks ago after what seemed an eternity painting and decorating the bedroom, the bathroom and the walk in. That left Alfie down at the other end of the house on his own so we really wanted to get thing moving...

With a couple of days sustained effort, some help from Mitchell with the priming of the plaster board and from Dave on the laying of the laminate floor it was ready!

Alfie helped pack up everything in his room and was a good helper as everything made the short journey. He seemed quite excited about the whole thing, he has since taken any visitor down there for a look, so much so that he wanted to go to bed early which is unheard of! He was obviously feeling relaxed and at home as the picture above shows.


Anonymous said...

Points Plus for priming and painting!
and well done to Alfie for removal helping! Yes - new bedroom new (earlier) bedtime! Good idea!
Alfie's bedroom looks wonderful - transformation! and Alfie looks totally relaxed - enjoy! xx

Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Great looking room, Alfie looks really cute asleep BUT where's the floor?!!! xxx