Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Babies, babies, babies...

Proof that there was something in the water here in Australia at the same time as in England when Alfie was concieved we today spent time with the Newcastle baby boomers, ... all boys strangely! Today Alfie caught up with his friends Elliott, Ben and Jet, all were well behaved concentrating on feeding, sleeping and matters of the nappy to be too concerned what each other was doing! Although I'm sure that they will become as good friends in the future as we have with Kate and Matt and Brett and Kel. It was great to get out and share some experiences and anxieties and gain reasurrance that they are struggling (struggled ... they are a good month older, longer, wider and heavier than Alfie!)with the same things. One thing that did strike me was how quickly babies grow, it certainly made me realise how important it will be to take time to enjoy Alfie at each and every stage of his life (and blog it!) because as quick as a flash the moment can pass and they're on to the next stage.

I know that Beth is keen to get into the mother and baby social scene... for me well its a case of getting focused back on work... after all there are now three hungry mouths to feed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great entries guys! It is also great for us to catch up with everyone and have the reassurance that we're all having similar struggles, as you said. We were starting to get used to longer sleeps at night until Elliott decided the last two nights that he doesn't much fancy that anymore ... back to the 3-4 hourly feeds at night now!

Kel, Brett & Elliott