Monday, May 14, 2007

A week in the life… Part 3: Sunday 6th 2007

Saturday became Sunday after another sleepless night (good preparation!!!) It amazed us the dedication of the staff in the intensive care unit, we were always welcomed with a smile and a “Hi I’m _____ and I’m looking after Alfie today.” There are over 140 amazing people working in there. They had already saved his life by getting to the operating theatre within seconds to resuscitate him; they were now there day and night helping him to recover. Louise, Lucy and Libby all deserve a special mention.

I put in my sandwich order in with Jean, only Beth was getting the hospital food! (Interesting now I’m back at home clothes that didn’t fit before now fit perfectly!) Brett and Kel came to visit, as did John and Matt, between Beth’s breast pump experiences. It was my role to wash all the “apparatus” and operate the machine. I would often knock the dial up another notch while Beth wasn’t looking!

Back up on the third floor Alfie was now pinking up nicely! With the ice now removed he was slowly warming just 3 degrees over eleven hours. He seemed so calm and wide awake with eyes wide open. He looked deep into my eyes and me into his… a magical moment!

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