Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rear view mirror...

Alfie's life as a child of two primary school teaching parents is going to be a tough one... although we'll try not to be pushy! We have been doing a bit of reading about how to stimulate the little fella, simply because we don't know what we should be doing with him! I liked one website which Beth found which said that we are the best toy he has at the moment!!! ... and boy is he having fun with us mainly at night!

I guess that as we are monitoring his progress from this point forward to identify any signs of damage caused by his ordeal (we're not expecting any!) we are that bit more interested in developmental milestones and keen to do anything we can to help him along! At the moment he has a mirror in his cot and has noticed himself a couple of times, he will become more aware of himself this month and faces this month (so we're told!) He seems well aware of his own face as he tries to remove it with his hands when he gets distressed and says "I'm hungry," "I'm tired," "I'm really tired," "I've had an accident downstairs!" and "I'm... I'm not sure what I am I'm just crying!" ;0)

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