Monday, May 28, 2007

One month on...

As May draws to an end we inevitably think back over everything that happened and thankfully didn't. It has certainly been a tough start for Alfie and for us as parents... nearly two weeks in hospital before we even considered a life of looking after a newborn. We've quickly realised that visiting friends and seeing their babies sleeping silently in the corner of the room didn't quite paint the fullest of pictures! (Why didn't someone warn us - only joking!)

Alfie is now into his forth week and going from strength to strength. While we never want to forget what he's been through we also know that it's important to look at the brightest of futures he has earned for himself. One day he will look at this blog and see what he has already achieved. Beth and I have been talking about memories etc while trying to record Alfie's life in his beautiful baby book. It seems he doesn't quite fit the mould already (would you expect anything else from Beth and I??) We were trying to work out which bits of his story go on which page!

In an attempt to draw a final line under everything and truly look forward I wanted to create a simple little film and dedicate it to Alfie and to you guys for all your unending support, kindness and generosity. We have been touched by all the cards and gifts that have arrived by the sack load. In some ways it has made us feel that little bit further away from you all, but at the same time so much closer. I hope that makes sense?? We will be sending out birth announcement/thank you cards by the dozen in the next couple of weeks...

We would also like to dedicate it to the staff at the John Hunter Hospital here in Newcastle, Australia. We honestly believe that they are the only hospital in Australia equipped to give Alfie the fighting chance that he took with both hands (babies are flown from all over Australia to be cared for here!) ... luckily we live just minutes away. There are some truly amazing people doing amazing things in the Neonatal Unit, we feel that we never knew many of their names but each will have had a lasting impact on Alfie's life. Alfie thanks them in his baby book, we thank them with this film.

NB: The music in the clip is wires by Athlete. It has long been a favourite of mine but has taken on an even greater significance over the last four weeks. Its amazing how music has the power to express things perfectly in a given time and space.

I went for a lower quality version of the film so that your broadband connections can have a fighting chance...


Anonymous said...

hi paul and beth Alfie looks really well, hope you are all getting into some sort of routine. The film you have made is absolutly fantastic and brought a tear to my eye, what fabulous memory to keep. take care love from smudger XXX

Anonymous said...

That is just beautiful, Paul... so moving and it brought a tear to my eye. I will always have Alfie in my mind whenever I hear that track now... you are so clever to put that together! Alfie is very special and is so lucky to have Beth and you as his mummy and daddy. Love to you all, Donna xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow... that video is just so special, it had us in tears! Alfie really is such a special guy. We are really happy that we have met all three of you and are really looking forward to our Elliott and Alfie growing up as mates. We feel lucky to have you as friends.

P.S. I've said it once and I'll say it again ... Alfie has the coolest haircut of all the babies!

Kel, Brett and Elliott xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth and Paul,
Even though we have not had a chance to meet Alfie yet, your blog page and Matt and Shaz have kept us to date. We are so proud of you both for such a wonderful job you are doing, and Paul, I love Alfie's video diary, it brings tears to my eyes every time I read it. I must say, I have a become a cupboard blog reader and sneak off quite regularly to see how you guys are doing. Can't wait to see you see again.
Lots of Love Kaz, Jas and the kids

Paul and Beth said...

Thanks for all the positive messages about Alfie, the movie and the blog in general


Hi Kaz and Jas,

Yeah abut time we introduced our little chap to your little chap... although I guess he's not that little now. Its been a tough time, understand that Issac has had a tough time too hope he's fully recovered! We're enjoying the parenting thing so far... will give you a ring over the weekend to sort out meeting up...

Lots of love

Paul, Beth and Alfie