Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mum arrives...

Mum arrived today exhausted but ready to give Alfie his first cuddle! We left Newcastle at 4am to arrive at the Airport just in time... it would seem that getting a nose bleed is a sure fire way to get the golf buggy treatment and be whisked through a very thorough and often slow Australian customs. I'm really proud of mum making that journey on her own (4hr Coach, 12hr flight, 8hr flight followed by 2hrs in a car!) I think after seeing Alfie she thinks its worth it already.

Not only did she bring some lovely weather but also suitcase filled with yet more gifts from home, you can see Alfie pictured above with just some of them. Thanks again to everyone for everything they have sent, so unexpected and generous.

We adopted the keep busy, stay awake approach to dealing with jet lag which basically involves trying to go to bed when everyone else does to get the body clock sorted. At 9pm mum is still awake (...after the odd snooze or two!) and so hopefully should wake up at sensible o'clock. We went for a walk along the lake and got some shopping in... importantly we also made a list of things to do for the coming four weeks (yes Kate Stocko Ferry included this time!!!) so that we can make the most of her time with us. It was a long list so look out for lots of pictures of Grandma Down Under!

1 comment:

Team aBeckett said...

Hey glad to hear that you've included Newcastle's biggest attraction on your list of things to do!! Can't believe that you left it off last time.