Sunday, August 26, 2007

Nelson Bay...

Sunday took us up the coast to a sunny Nelson Bay. It was something of an early start as our whale watch set sail at 10am. It was a 3.5hour cruise and we actually got some fleeting glimpses of Humpbacks on their way back to Antarctica with their calves after giving birth in warmer waters, something that Beth related to. If you are reading this and you are a Japanese whale boat captain "We didn't see nothin!" (The Japanese feel the need to continue whaling off the coast in international waters!).. don't get me started although I will say that my yearly subscription to Greenpeace is money well spent!

Anyway moving swiftly on we left the harbour shrouded in mist, chased by a chilling breeze and filled up with sea sickness tablets. However soon the sun shone through and the whales appeared as recorded by Beth on video. It quickly became apparent that some people were more excited than we were judging by their reactions... they are probably the same people that "Oooooo" and "ahhhhh!" at firework displays!

Alfie seemed to enjoy the boating experience, the rocking motion and having to be papoosed up meant that he didn't see much of the outward trip in favour of catching up on some sleep. Although after a change of clothing and some food he seemed a little more up for seeing what was going on in usual Alfie fashion.

Back on dry land briefly it was time for something to eat before Alfie got the sand between his toes and his feet in the Ocean... we're not sure what he made of it but check out this short video clip and make up your own mind! ... maybe we'll try again when the really warm weather arrives! ;0)

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