Monday, September 24, 2007

It'll take an Eternity ...

Alfie and I haven't seen much of Beth since her birthday as she seems to be very focused on winning $2 million dollars in prize money by completing the puzzle (Eternity II) that we gave her!

Every waking moment you can hear her muttering about it. She is going great after a set back during the party but the chances of completing it are millions to one. With each piece square and with no picture the chances of putting each of the 265 pieces in exactly the right place and exactly the right way around are remote in the extreme. But hey we can but try...

Somewhere in the Sprawling Metropolis...

... Beth was having a birthday party!

On Saturday to celebrate Beth's birthday we had a party. Having earlier decided on a Superhero theme the weird and the wonderful duly arrived. It was great that so many people went to so much effort to join in, because it did seem at one point that Beth and I were the only ones that were keen!

Kel and Brett and Kate and Matt arrived early and helped set things up nicely, the lads even managed a trip to the ice machine down the road in full costume, much to the delight of some children who we waved to as we drove away!

It was a fairly cool night but Les came along with a couple of patio heaters to help keep the party going well into the early hours. They must have been kicking out some heat as Les didn't feel the need to wear much under his Braveheart kilt... I think everyone at the party was aware of this fact!!! Thank goodness he was wearing something even if it was a little skimpy! There was plenty to eat and drink and something for everyone. While some of the lads watched the footy out in the back room, singing sensations went to work in the living room while out on the deck there was dancing around the fire.

The Jim Beam was much in evidence again although the results were not quite as disastrous as last time!!!! ... just as well because Alfie was up an hour after we went to bed! He seemed to enjoy Mums birthday, lapping up all the attention and checking out what was going on. Luckily he was safely tucked up in bed before the superhero feats started!

Sunday was spent tidying up ... (between lie downs).... the debris left behind which strangely included several pairs of mens socks that had been enhancing some of the lads costumes the night before!!! ;0)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mummy's Birthday

We have been so busy of late that Beth almost forgot that her birthday was so soon and so this years celebrations have been typically crammed into the single day rather than the "Birth-month" celebrations that have been enjoyed (and demanded by Beth!) in the past!!!

Alfie decided that mum needed to be up bright and early to make the most of her big day! Beth opened her cards including one written by Alfie himself.... before opening the presents. It was Singstar, coffee cups and a jigsaw with a two million prize fund all around... a canvas print of a picture of all three of us was presented later! They then went on Skype to speak to Walkers back home in Bristol.

With me out of the way at work it was off to the shops with Auntie Sharron and cousin Joel for some shopping to work up a thirst and an appetite. Then there was an opportunity to meet up with some friends in the sunshine before Matt and I arrived just in time for yet more food.

I think that Beth really enjoyed her big day....

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pelican Picnic

We went out for a picnic on the lake today in the sunshine. The place chosen for our picnic was Pelican... and yes there are Pelicans there! Alfie seemed to enjoy it as he had a good chance to have a look at what was going on and look at the leaves blowing in the wind (two of his favourite things)Beth and I chilled out and laughed at my pitiful attempts to make a chip buttie! Here are some pics...

... Alfie's second dipping of his toes was more successful than the first!

If you've something to say... Say it!

After a couple of quieter weeks Alfie has rediscovered his voice and is making sure that we all hear it! I could hear him chirping up from the other side of the road this afternoon! He seems to be most vocal during the mornings and so out comes the camera just in time for a bemused reaction and silence!

But not today... faced with a silent and stationary Alfie we had ways and means of making him talk. See if you can spot how we did it... :0)

Monkey Business

Keeping busy at home for Beth is something of a challenge, despite looking after Alfie full time, doing everything around the home and the work she does for Hamilton she has decided that she needs to do something to satisfy her creative side.

Here is Beth's first effort some pictures for Alfie's room. She bought the sock monkey fabric on eBay and made little canvases out of them. They look cool... look out for more Beth creations soon.

Taronga Zoo

Friday morning was a early start as I went with the school I'm doing my teaching practice with to Taronga Zoo in Sydney. It was a long hot day but hugely enjoyable. It seems that the animals there have the best view of Sydney. I had lots of other pictures but most have the kids in them and didn't want to upload pictures of them without permission, so here are the best of the rest...

The highlight of my day was the seal show although most of the children enjoyed the chimp talk the most! As the zoo keeper tried to deliver the information the children rolled around shouting "put it away" as the monkeys pleasured themselves and each other right in front of the kids!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Take 5 ... Take the Mick more like!

Beth decided about a month ago that making money from trashy magazines was easy, you know the type funny pictures, the household tips making use of vinegar etc! So she sent off a picture of me and the boy, some days later she received an emailed reply which said that they would use our picture in a future issue! Well today the newsagents of Australia are experiencing a brisk trade in the new issue of Take 5 magazine with reports of a woman in Newcastle buying four copies!!!

Alfie and I are now speaking to our legal team as our image has been used without permission, we will be seeking a percentage of the $50 earned by mum by way of compensation. We are also shocked by the fact that we're not mentioned on the cover! We actually featured on the "Take 5 Guys!" page alongside "Hunky Hubby Alan" who "has been married for 40 wonderful years..." who "can be depended upon for anything," and someones Grandpa who dresses as a girl!!!!!!!!!!!

School Report...

I'm now one week into my teaching practice which will allow me to teach here in New South Wales. While a full time position is highly unlikely it would seem that there is plenty of casual teaching around to bring the cash in as teachers are awarded weeks off in addition to the school holidays in recognition of long service.

This first week has been fantastic and its been great to get back into the classroom. It was a little nerve wracking as for one reason or another I haven't taught since December 2005... which feels like a long time ago! However the school have been impressed with what I managed to achieve in the first week and have recommended me for fast tracking through the second week. I now have to travel to Sydney next week for an interview and collect my teaching number. The fast tracking means that I can legally teach about six weeks earlier than I might have otherwise been allowed. In addition to that I have also been booked by the school to work the remaining two weeks of term full time. A positive start!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

He's got rhythm...

Keeping a sneezing and coughing Alfie entertained is no easy feat! He seems to enjoy music ... well mine at least... and so we thought that we'd start him on some instruments...

... lets hope that we don't progress to drums and or violin! :0)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

4 months .... and a trip back to hospital

Alfie celebrated 4 months of life with a trip back to where it all started... the hospital! We had been down in Blacktown near Sydney for the day as I was attending my Overseas Qualified Teachers Course, while I sat passively watching people deliver lecture after lecture about how its not good to stand in front of children and talk endlessly without their involvement and expect them to learn anything ... hello!!!... it was back to the Travelodge (yes we have them here!) where Beth and Alfie had spent the afternoon after their trip around the local shops.

The evening started normally in the second cot on offer after the first had been rejected despite several attempts by both Beth and I to erect the thing using combinations of arms legs and other body parts to hold the thing up! A bout of very uncharacteristicly loud crying was followed by a couple hours of disturbed sleep. We were able to settle him again but it was clear that he was starting to get increasingly bunged up! At 12:30am we were awoken by a screaming Alfie who was red, struggling for breath and had a barking cough!

It was then out and into the car for a trip to the thankfully close Hospital. He was quickly assessed and treated for Croup caused by a viral infection. While we were in hospital Alfie's condition improved quickly and entertained all that treated him with gurgles and smiles. It was then back to the hotel for three hours sleep before the second day of my course. Beth bless her dosed on the sofa with him as we found that staying slightly upright helped.

Back at home we now need to treat Alfie with medicine every evening when the condition will be at its worst. He's not too bad tonight, its not affecting his appetite at all, and knowing Alfie he'll be back to full health soon.

Its a wrap....

... or it was! Alfie is now between wraps having outgrown the small white one while being swamped by the large blue one... no medium was available!

The wrap is pretty much essential to some quality sleep for Alfie as it controls the baby startle reflex which are told will start to be triggered less often as he moves beyond four months. It is also important to stop him scratching his own bonce or removing the green shoots of hair recovery! At the moment the swap is providing something of a challenge as the Baby Houdini tries to escape.... here is Alfie pictured after a partial escape!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Rolling the Bug...

Had a rare chance to get the bug out of the garage today. Bought as a second car its not really had that much use, although it's been good to tinker with her in the garage. At the moment there are no rear seat belts and so its not really a family car, having said that even with a baby seat fitted in the back its not really something that we see Alfie (and all the luggage that goes with him!!!) travelling in!

During the next couple of weeks she will get daily use as I'll be traveling to school every morning. I need to spend two weeks in school after which I can be available for supply teaching in the local area... looks like Beryl will get the regular use she deserves!

Made to feel like the best dad in the World...

Today was Father's Day in Australia and my first as a Dad. I may not be the best dad in the world (not through lack of trying...) but I was certainly made to feel like one. Alfie and Beth have obviously been very busy over the last couple of weeks. I woke to see Alfie proudly wearing his #1 daddy suit clutching a card that he had very cleverly made featuring all the pictures of him with daddy that we have taken during the last four months. Mum then produced some presents that have been hidden away somewhere - a new jumper, a lanyard so I don't loose those keys again, some lovely children's books about Dads and not forgetting the Kinder Egg! (I love Kinder eggs and Krispy Kreme doughnuts!)

It was then down to the beach for a fantastic picnic in the sunshine. Again Mum and Alfie had thought of everything... well almost everything as Beth forgot the cork screw for her wine (I had beer with twist tops!) The weather was good, the food better and it was great to spend some together as a family before I start my two weeks of teaching practice.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Something to smile about...

The camera is never that far away while we are at home. He is growing so fast that we really feel that we need to capture all these special moments.

Alfie will pretty much laugh at anything, but most entertaining at the moment are our attempts to sing anything, leaves and trees, wobbling your head from side to side and the light that comes on when the car door opens! Here Dad's beer is something to get really excited about...

How do you chew...

Alfie continues to chew his fingers at almost every opportunity and so the bib (several needed each day!)has become an essential part of everyday wear. More recently he has preferred chewing other peoples fingers, you only need to experience this once to see why! He has quite a bite even without teeth. Luckily Auntie Sharron and Grandma have provided him with teething rings which he is getting to grips with.

As this clip proves, chewing is quite hard work!...

When not chewing there's nothing better than a good book. He really seems to be taking in everything he reads...

.... via his mouth! :0)

Feeling let down!

While out in the garden Beth spotted something on the grass which turned out to be a burst balloon! Nothing strange in that you might say but it had an email address attached and so I emailed the owner. Turns out that the balloon was released at a 21st birthday party in Gosford about 91km down the highway towards Sydney.

It took me back to a balloon which I released when I was young. If I remember rightly it made it from Plymouth to Bristol and was posted back to me. no email in those days!!!!

Making a molehill into a garden...

Today Beth, Alfie and I spent the day in the garden continuing to tidy things up after the Winter storms. There was the marathon grass cut followed by a delivery of soil to replace the soil that was washed away leaving lots of the roots exposed. It was a good bit of team work on what was quite a warm day, Summer certainly seems to be on the way. It won't be long until we can switch the air conditioner from heat to cool!