Tuesday, September 04, 2007

4 months .... and a trip back to hospital

Alfie celebrated 4 months of life with a trip back to where it all started... the hospital! We had been down in Blacktown near Sydney for the day as I was attending my Overseas Qualified Teachers Course, while I sat passively watching people deliver lecture after lecture about how its not good to stand in front of children and talk endlessly without their involvement and expect them to learn anything ... hello!!!... it was back to the Travelodge (yes we have them here!) where Beth and Alfie had spent the afternoon after their trip around the local shops.

The evening started normally in the second cot on offer after the first had been rejected despite several attempts by both Beth and I to erect the thing using combinations of arms legs and other body parts to hold the thing up! A bout of very uncharacteristicly loud crying was followed by a couple hours of disturbed sleep. We were able to settle him again but it was clear that he was starting to get increasingly bunged up! At 12:30am we were awoken by a screaming Alfie who was red, struggling for breath and had a barking cough!

It was then out and into the car for a trip to the thankfully close Hospital. He was quickly assessed and treated for Croup caused by a viral infection. While we were in hospital Alfie's condition improved quickly and entertained all that treated him with gurgles and smiles. It was then back to the hotel for three hours sleep before the second day of my course. Beth bless her dosed on the sofa with him as we found that staying slightly upright helped.

Back at home we now need to treat Alfie with medicine every evening when the condition will be at its worst. He's not too bad tonight, its not affecting his appetite at all, and knowing Alfie he'll be back to full health soon.


Anonymous said...

We hope that the medicine helps the little fella get back to his usual bouncy self.
Sounds as if your course was really useful Paul, I just hope that you can put all these interesting ideas into practise! Lou, Lloyd, Hannah and Toby (or Hannah as he calls himself)x

Anonymous said...

We've 'done' this one with Lucy too! Not nice & very frightening when they can't catch their breath. I remember an exhausting week of sleeping upright in the armchair, propped up with pillows.... and hours sat in the bathroom with the shower running on hot, to create lots of steam to ease her breathing. Hope Alfie feels better soon & you all get some sleep again. Love to you all, Donna xxx