Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Take 5 ... Take the Mick more like!

Beth decided about a month ago that making money from trashy magazines was easy, you know the type funny pictures, the household tips making use of vinegar etc! So she sent off a picture of me and the boy, some days later she received an emailed reply which said that they would use our picture in a future issue! Well today the newsagents of Australia are experiencing a brisk trade in the new issue of Take 5 magazine with reports of a woman in Newcastle buying four copies!!!

Alfie and I are now speaking to our legal team as our image has been used without permission, we will be seeking a percentage of the $50 earned by mum by way of compensation. We are also shocked by the fact that we're not mentioned on the cover! We actually featured on the "Take 5 Guys!" page alongside "Hunky Hubby Alan" who "has been married for 40 wonderful years..." who "can be depended upon for anything," and someones Grandpa who dresses as a girl!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha!!! the page 7 hunk!!! eye candy for plenty of bored ozy housewives!!! he he he!!!!
