Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mummy's Birthday

We have been so busy of late that Beth almost forgot that her birthday was so soon and so this years celebrations have been typically crammed into the single day rather than the "Birth-month" celebrations that have been enjoyed (and demanded by Beth!) in the past!!!

Alfie decided that mum needed to be up bright and early to make the most of her big day! Beth opened her cards including one written by Alfie himself.... before opening the presents. It was Singstar, coffee cups and a jigsaw with a two million prize fund all around... a canvas print of a picture of all three of us was presented later! They then went on Skype to speak to Walkers back home in Bristol.

With me out of the way at work it was off to the shops with Auntie Sharron and cousin Joel for some shopping to work up a thirst and an appetite. Then there was an opportunity to meet up with some friends in the sunshine before Matt and I arrived just in time for yet more food.

I think that Beth really enjoyed her big day....


Anonymous said...

Not sure if our bithday message made it through and saved on you answer phone(lots of tones and bleeps!), but we wanted to wish you a very happy day. Lots of love, Lloyd, Lou, Hannah and Toby x

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr & Mrs Ivey, my dad was just clearing out some paper and he found the letter that Mr Ivey left when he last taught me in England so we thought we'd take a look at your blog to see what you had been up to down under.

It was very interesting to see all your picture & Alfie is very cute.

I am now in year 5 at school and still having fun (apart from too much homework!). I am playing rugby every weekend for Exeter Saracens, it's really cool.

Hope you are all well.
Charlie Pike

Paul and Beth said...

Hello Evan's

Thanks for your answer phone message which did arrive despite the technical glitches in our answering machine! :0)


Paul and Beth said...

Hello Charlie,

Great to hear from you, can't believe you're now year 5!!! Where has the time gone!?! Sounds like you are having fun with the Rugby... keep at it!

Mr and Mrs Ivey and Master Ivey :0)