Wednesday, September 12, 2007

School Report...

I'm now one week into my teaching practice which will allow me to teach here in New South Wales. While a full time position is highly unlikely it would seem that there is plenty of casual teaching around to bring the cash in as teachers are awarded weeks off in addition to the school holidays in recognition of long service.

This first week has been fantastic and its been great to get back into the classroom. It was a little nerve wracking as for one reason or another I haven't taught since December 2005... which feels like a long time ago! However the school have been impressed with what I managed to achieve in the first week and have recommended me for fast tracking through the second week. I now have to travel to Sydney next week for an interview and collect my teaching number. The fast tracking means that I can legally teach about six weeks earlier than I might have otherwise been allowed. In addition to that I have also been booked by the school to work the remaining two weeks of term full time. A positive start!

1 comment:

Brett, Kel, Elliott & Jasper said...

Good stuff Paul, do you reckon you'll have full time work by the time our little guy goes to school? Where do you think you'll be??? Stocko Public... perhaps we'll all live across the water by then ;O)