Sunday, October 28, 2007

Beach Baby

Today we went to the beach for an hour or so. As we are just entering Spring the water is still pretty cold, some people are even wearing wetsuits!!! However the big surf and tide had created a warm sandy pool for babies and their dads to swim in.

Alfie stripped down to his smalls which became large as the water soaked in! He seemed to enjoy it as he got used to the water. He had a splash and watched the big kids very carefully... he really is quite nosey! Back on dry land Alfie seemed quite happy to supplement his solids diet with some grains of sand, washed down with some water sucked from Liam's bottle. It was all obviously all too much for him as he crashed out on the way home with sandy toes twitching!


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Isn't it fun being able to take the little ones down to the beach, we took Jacob again on Saturday and he really enjoyed it. You can get a sample Huggies swimmer nappy if you log onto their website, takes a few weeks to get here. X

Paul and Beth said...

Yeah beach with a baby is cool. He was actually holding his sun hat on himself in the wind! We have some of those swimmer pants, today was something of an impromptu swim! x