Sunday, October 14, 2007

Swinging Low...

Alfie and I were up at 5am to watch the rugby this morning and were glad that we did. Amazingly Alfie sat glued to the TV pausing only to laugh at my top of my voice at 6am renditions of Swing Low and that guy who blows his trumpet every five minutes!

... we had similar scenes here. Just less people and no berets!

I still remain unconvinced of our ability to beat the South Africans (as I did Australia/France) still we're enjoying it down under. The TV ad that ran all this week was "The dream is over for the Wallabies... there's only one thing to say... GO FRANCE!" You gotta love them Aussies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Show some faith mate - we can go all the way and be the FIRST team to win two world titles in a row!!!!

I've got a week for my nails to grow back before the next match. It's a real shame the Aussies couldn't play like they said they could when it came to it!!!!

Good matches bit scores too close. Not like Cheifs 58-5 win yesterday (2nd in division).

Speak to you soon, Ll, L, H & T