Saturday, October 20, 2007

Growing Up...

Today has been a day of firsts as Alfie continues to grow up. He is starting to roll more often and so is keeping us on our toes, rolling off things or him wriggling out of where we left him is a real concern!

Today we turned the car seat to make it forward facing which means Alfie gets to see more of Newcastle rather than the back seat of the car which he has been faced with!

He also had his first taste of solids. We've held off as long as could to give him the best chance of not developing allergies which do run in the family. We've started him on plain rice cereal and he seemed to love it, we recorded the moment to share with you...


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
just been teaching my kids how to write instructions. think i might use that video as an example of how to do it - they'll love it! thanks guys!!! (of course i'll differentiate with what language can we use to extend those instructions!)I know, i know, i had good mentor!
very sweet video. it looks like he's really gonna like his food, just like his mum!
love to you both.
Annie x x x x

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Alfie certainly wolfed that down... It won't be long 'til you're onto carrot and all the clothes (his and yours) are stained orange!! Looks like Alfie's dying to get his hands on that spoon! I used to always have 2 spoons to hand - one for them to hold & the other to feed them with - works a treat! Have fun cooking & pureeing fruit & veg (Oh how I miss those hours of sloppy food preparation!!! - not!) Love Donna xxx

Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Wow!!! Alfie is pretty amazing, I can't believe how much he enjoyed his first meal of baby rice. He'll be eating steak and vegies before you know it!!