Monday, October 01, 2007

Lake side paradise....

We have just returned from a weekend away on the Lake. We were invited to join ten other families by our friends Joal and Anna, who have stayed at the same place year on year for years. Despite only being about 20 minutes from our house we really felt like we'd traveled to somewhere quite different. The house is a lodge with individual rooms for each family as well as large communal areas. Only a stones throw from the lake it really felt like paradise.

It was really touch and go as to whether we were going to make it (see post above... that's another story!) but we were so glad that we did. We arrived on Saturday afternoon and found the inhabitants on Summerland Point out in the sunshine, however there was no sitting about for some as Matt, Joal, Foz and I shot across the lake to find a sheltered spot for some wake boarding. On our way back we checked the crab nets for some Blue Swimmers!

Back on dry land it was time to light the fire and get the BBQ lit, there were a lot of hungry mouths to feed. Then there was time for a little campfire singing, a few beers before heading out onto the lake again (with torches!) to collect more crabs.

Sunday started bright and early again with Beth taking the opportunity to walk the edge of the lake with Matt and Sharron and the boys. I stayed behind with Alfie who was developing a taste for morning sleeps of increasing lengths. In the afternoon it was back onto the lake again this time with Matt filling his boat with thrill seeking kids! They got more than they bargained for as a blown fuse caused Matt to seek the assistance of a passing boat to get back to shore. The towing went well and I found that I'm pretty effective as a fender so damage was minimal. We managed to get the boat out of the water and fixed when back at the lodge. There was time for a shower a call to Dominos Pizza and settle back to watch the Rugby League Grand Final. It was then something of an early night for us after Alfie started to become increasingly unsettled.

After the early night we were up and out of bed early, assisted by Alfie who decided that he didn't want some of the milk he had just gulped and so sprayed it rather impressively all over the bed sheets. We had a lovely walk together and it certainly made us realise that we need to be up and out more often to take in what where we live has to offer! Alfie slept most of the morning and so we stayed at the lodge with all three of us catching snoozes in the breeze, it was a warm day (30+ degrees!)Alfie managed to dip his toes in the pool. After that we headed back to get Alfie checked out... and we were glad that we did!

We had a fantastic weekend, thanks to Joal and Anna. It was our first weekend away as a family and despite Alfie's illness we loved being out in the great outdoors with some great people.

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