Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Being a Parent...

After being parents for 362 days it's time to reflect on what we have learnt!

If only babies came with instructions!... I guess Beth and I have done the things that have felt right at the time and in most cases things worked out fine. For those of you new to the parenting thing or just thinking about it this short but informative slide show should prove useful...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Wow! - where do you find/think of
these ideas! - Bringing up Baby was SO funny! - I've watched it twice already and will certainly be watching again but, as yes, you're not the only person finding it hard to get up on a morning - although it is late spring here! - usually I'm fairly ok - but this morning felt v relaxed and v comfortable - but even though short of time had to switch on computer for blog/emails! - John's the same - who'd have thought that!
As you say, perhaps time for Beryl to go - from past experience we know how v annoying it is when any car is an unreliable (non)starter!
With all good wishes.
Jean and John xx