Friday, April 18, 2008

New additions to the family...

Alfie loves animals.... only this morning he spotted the neighbours cat walking along the deck and he was shouting out to it before crawling towards the door! He also loves dogs and isn't shy in wanting to get his hands inside their mouths to pull on some canines... we think he is starting to make dog noises but he makes them for any animal we're not sure!

He also likes birds and we often take Alfie across the road to Dave and Tracey's to check out their parrots, budgies and chickens. We were delighted when they gave us a couple of Peachface Love Birds which hatched this Summer. The two boys (Starsky and Hutch!... Beths's names!) seem to have settled in well. They are pretty noisy particularly in the mornings so having them in a cage outside has come as something of an early morning relief.

They are quite small maybe only 15cm in length and are starting to get their adult feathers. They seem to do everything together and even give each other a shoulder to sleep on at night.

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