Friday, April 18, 2008

Rules is rules...

Being the owner of a car forty five years young means that the yearly inspection for registration or Rego (Like all words it obviously is shortened and has -o added for Australians to use in everyday conversation!!) is rarely a pleasurable one. People don't tend to part with these iconic vehicles without good reason... the yearly inspection however is a good reason for some! Some will remember Stan bought with only three months on the MOT, three months and £1,600 later he was back on the open roads of Devon!!!

Still it was lesson learned when we arrived here and Beryl came complete with a twelve month ticket which expires next month. So yesterday it was off to the garage. The mechanic sent us away with tail between legs to sort somethings out before a test can take place. Apparently...

1, A skateboard wheel is not an acceptable replacement for an accelerator pedal.
2, You need enough clearance between car and road so that you can drive over a Coke can.
3, The headlining in the interior does still need to be attached to the roof of the car and not "hanging down" in places.
4, The drivers side front tyre needs grooves in it!

... yes there are still some jobs-worth mechanics out there! It is worth noting that we also broke down at the garage and "ran aground!" when trying to push her, we did get going again however without the help of any experts!

Beryl is off to the VW garage next to have some of these things sorted next week... anxious times!

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