Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New wheels...

With the weather so bad it's been inside only rides on Alfie's new wheels. We bought it with all the loose change we'd been saving in the camper van money boxes! It amounted to quite a bit after nearly a year of saving...

Its a cool bike that should take him all the way through until about three years old. At the moment he's in the under 12mnths set up with harness and parent push handle etc but in the future he should be able to power himself!

There are limited cycle routes within the house and few pictures of Alfie smiling while on the bike, it's not that he doesn't like it it's just that every time we stopped to try and take a picture he got a little agitated!!!

... Alfie arranges social calendar!

... Seatbelts on ready to roll!

... Hang on I've stopped moving!

... Waaaaaaah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alfie
New Wheels - on Blog!
You give us SO much fun & happiness!
Hope you managed to arrange your social calendar on your mobile and so hope weather will be dry so that you, and Mummy and Daddy can all go out and enjoy your new wheels! Thank Daddy for all his comments and Mummy for emails and photo attachments - and we also loved your Splish Splash slides - yes, it's SO much fun playing in puddles! WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH
Nanny & Grampy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx