Friday, April 18, 2008

Little Hairy Monster...

"What's doing Down Under" might as well have been called "What's Alfie up to now!" over the last twelve months. Still he has been the most constantly changing thing in our lives as we settle into something nearing a normal routine life!

Alfie has obviously changed a lot but a look back at the achieves (thousands upon thousands of photo's!) show the variety of hairstyles that he has sported over the last twelve months...

There was the dark Beckham Mohawk...

... then the short period of hair loss (Still waiting for mine to grow back!)

... followed by the mullet!

Obviously with Alfie looking increasingly like ...

... something had to be done! So yesterday he was taken to the hairdressers for a trim. Here are a few slides of this fantastic folical event! Apologies for the blurred shots but as you can imagine Alfonso wasn't keen to sit still for long!
Parents of small children will note the Wiggles smock.

The finished result.... very smart!

Any follow up comments to this post relating to my hair or lack of are easy cheap shots and therefore unnecessary! ;0)

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