Friday, October 10, 2008

Flat Packed Friends...

With the journey back to Newcastle from Sydney over it was time to unpack the car, something of a feat if you had seen it! Amy and Mitchell popped over to say hello and managed to stay and spend the next six hours assembling our purchases. They were certainly a great help as we managed to create pieces of furniture that looked amazingly close to those on the boxes!

I know that IKEA gets a bit of a bad press sometimes but I have to say that we are pleased with what we got, a good price for some quality. None of the pieces were damaged nor were any missing... in fact we seemed to end up with lots of pieces we didn't use!!!!!

Alfie assisted and couldn't wait to get his feet under his new table. We are trailing this as a replacement for the high chair! Beth did a great job of keeping Alfie out of mischief and the workers well supplied with drinks!!! It was actually as fun as putting together flat packed furniture can be. Thanks to Amy and Mitch as always for their help, I'm not sure where we would be without them other than still outside putting together flat packed furniture! ... We look forward to replaying the favour when their flat packed stuff arrives in a couple of weeks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly

VERY impressed! great team of happy helpers! and Alfie looks v pleased with end result. Also, love the nonchalant screwdriver pose! Jean xx and John xx