Monday, October 06, 2008

Wedding Sunday...

Sunday was something of a recovery day from the day before. Time for a family walk along the seafront, reading of papers and the watching of films. Alfie managed to catch up on more sleep, although on one occasion when the baby monitor went all quiet we actually found Alfie asleep in Amy's dad's arms on the sofa watching the Rugby League Grand Final.

Later in the evening there was the chance to read some of the gift cards, open presents and chat about the wonderful day before. It was actually quite a late night and I'm claiming (....not unsurprisingly!) a rare victory over Mitchell as I manged to stay up later than him! (This is a very rare event indeed!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! - Alfie looks v contented - hope you are all 'recovering' - xx No.5 xx