Monday, October 06, 2008

Wedding Friday...

On Friday we seeming packed up the entire house and most of Mitchell and Amy's into our car and travelled on a very warm day to the Central Coast. The Central Coast is situated half way between Newcastle and Sydney and is birth place of our neighbours Amy and Mitchell. They had booked a wonderful beach side retreat for most of the wedding party to stay in over the weekend. You can take a look at Copacabana Beach Resort if you are interested. I have to say that the location (... Yes I've been singing Copacabana by Barry Manillow all weekend!) was amazing as were the facilities. Everything you could possibly need and three of each!

On arrival we unpacked and headed for the beach to cool off. Alfie soon managed to get soaking wet and then covered in sand ending up looking like he was coated in breadcrumbs. We had a great time splashing around at first in the rock pool before tackling some waves. Dad even tried some body surfing whilst wishing he had taken his own boards!

The Groom and some of the Groomsmen arrived and so it was time to have a bit of fun throwing things at each others heads when they weren't looking!!!

Back at the house it was showers for all before a BBQ lunch and a briefing for the big day on the Saturday. I have to say that Amy and Mitchell (... with his 8%) put in an amazing amount of planning, effort and thought into their big day. With six bridesmaids, six groomsmen and a Page Boy to think about they needed to! Each of the bridal party ended up with a bag of goodies - Alfie's consisted of a shirt and top for Mum and Dad as well as some rainbow socks and cuff links for Alfie!

The excitement of the big day nearly got the better of Alfie who decided that he would stay up until 1am. Not long after that two very tired parents could be seen taking a very early morning stroll in the rain along the sea front! He eventually gave in and that marked the end of busy Friday.

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