Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunny Sydney...

Following on from our Wedding weekend we hit the road again, this time to Sydney. We spent two nights with Ross, Sarah and Noah at Ross's parents house. I work with Ross and he is actually my mentor at school. We soon found out that we have pretty much everything in common and have become great friends.

On the Tuesday we travelled down, again in a car packed to the rafters for Alfie. We quickly found that having two babies it is bloomin hard to plan anything as one of them will always need 1. A sleep 2. Something to eat 3. A change of nappy or 4. All of the above. We did however manage to all get out to the Harbour for a fish and chip picnic. It was great to see the Harbour from a different aspect and also to chill out with Ross and Sara. Alfie and Noah had a ball in the playground, running/crawling around, chasing birds and tucking into the odd chip or two. Beth and I reminised about Bridge Climb proposals while taking it all in.

We shelved our planned excursion to Taronga Zoo on Wednesday as as you can see Sara isn't in the best condition to be lugging around what is a very hilly zoo all day! Sara and Ross are expecting some new additions in January in the form of twins. With these new additions added to Noah who is actually one today the Murdoch house is sure to be an interesting and busy one come 2009! With the Zoo off the menu we needed to find a relaxing activity, Ross's planned and very cultural vsist to see some 50,000 year old cave paintings depicting one Aborigional with an enlarged body part!!! was rejected in favour of a Swedish cultural experience.... IKEA!

This become something of a major mission. We had planned to visit IKEA on the way home anyway but Wednesday was as good a day as ever. We managed to spend about £600 but got a lot of bedroom furniture and other stuff so that we can return what we borrowed over 12 months ago. In the evenings when the kids eventually went off we managed to play some games and have some quality adult time which was great.

On the Thursday we made our way home with more stuff than we travelled with, in fact the fact that I didn't have breakfast was crucial as this would have taken up space we didn't really have. Alfie managed to sleep most of the way home and has been having an extra sleep all week, we've been so busy that I think it has caught up with him .. and me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see pictures of Ross,Sarah and Noah and, of course,Iveys!
Perhaps we can visit Taronga Zoo during the next few months! Yes, Sydney Bridge has a lot of memories! Ikea shopping impressive - John was disappointed that he had to miss trip!
Jean xx and John xx