Friday, September 25, 2009

The Bub...

Well depending on your view of pregnancy (glass half full or half empty!) Beth is now twenty weeks and after a scan at our local Hospital everything seems to be progressing well. I'm not sure if our previous experiences are anything to do with it but we are certainly more concerned parents with this one... so it was good to take a good look at Number Two and put minds at rest of a while at least!

It is at twenty weeks that some attempt at determining gender can be made, however with Number Two being as active as he/she is and not keeping still for more than two seconds they were unwilling to take a stab. Hopefully that will mean no room painting during the coming holidays! Alfie quite enjoyed the scan experience but soon wanted to escape the room and explore the hospital including the vending machines which he seems to think are some sort of amusement arcade!

His answer to do you want a baby brother/sister? ... is at this stage a resounding "NO!"


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

We asked Jacob if he wanted a little brother or sister and he never really answered. But if you ask him now what his little brother's name is, his reply "little sister"!!! Normally as a whisper - very cute still. Big hugs to you all and a little belly rub from me as well xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Bub! xxxx
Concerns are part of parenthood! xxxx
Alfie will adore brother/sister! xxxx