Sunday, September 20, 2009

Richmond Vale Railway...

With Beth seemingly insisting that her birthday is more than just the one day most people have we decided to take a trip to a local railway museum for a fun day. A quick look at Google maps (...we thought!) was enough and off we went packed up with a picnic. After about an hour in the car traveling up and down the same country roads we stopped in small park for something to eat. I managed to find a shop open and get some directions...

We arrived at the Museum a few minutes later and spent some time looking around the exhibits. We soon found out that people who love trains can be as boring as people who love running... its all they talk about!! One of them took a shine to Beth and filled her in at length about all the history of the former mining line and its engines! Alfie loved the trains and was quite excited when ever the train tooted. He also managed to get a ride on Toby from Thomas the Tank Engine.

After all the train excitement it was time for an ice cream and a pony ride. The journey home was much shorter than the journey there!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! at least a birthday weekend!
Love Beth's maternity top and Father and Son matching shirts! gorgeous!
Sounds a typical fun family day out -
asking directions, train ride and icecream! Hope running went well!
xxxx xxxx