Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Comforts of Home...

We had some roof insulation fitted last week care of the Australian Government. Insulation is a word that seemingly hadn't existed in the Australian vocabulary until about six months ago. Our house can be like a fridge in the Winter even during relatively warm winters and like a blast furnace in the Summer! The Government is so keen for people to save money and the environment that they are offering huge savings on things like insulation, solar water heaters and water tanks.

You can only claim for one so we opted for the roof insulation as we have none at the moment and with a tin roof the heat certainly comes through. So keen are fitters of the furry stuff that they even go and make the claim for the insulation material for you, to the value of $1600 which is about 700 quid. It seems that every Ute (Australia's equivalent of the white transit!) is piled high with the stuff...

Hopefully we can stay cooler this Summer, save some money and the do a little less damage to the environment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like lofts in England! xx xx