Saturday, September 12, 2009

... down on the beach.

We're enjoying a really nice spell of weather at the moment, so nice in fact that school is switching to its Summer uniform three weeks early! Today was at least 30 degrees so we headed off to the beach for a swim. The more regular our visits the more he seems to grow in confidence. In fact we are planning on booking some weekly swim lessons with daddy now that we have some free weekends. Alfie seemed to enjoy running in and out of the waves as well as some nappy free time ... although his shorts did seem to be a little baggier without the extra padding...

He also enjoyed some rock hopping with mummy leading the way with his usual "Come On!" and hand gesture!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful beach photos of family fun!
John said you looked v trim Paul!
Hope running training is going well.
xx xx

Anonymous said...

lovin the plumbers bum alfie!!!! are looking far too thin and healthy!!!

jp x