Saturday, September 12, 2009

... Cough Cough Cough!

Beth and Alfie are still struggling with their coughs which have been slow to clear.

Alfie woke up at 5am this morning coughing and struggling for breath... so it was a quick pack of a bag and off up the road to the hospital. Where in timely fashion he recovered completely leaving us looking like the precious over concerned parents. He had a wonderful time, playing with toys, watching television on his own bedside screen and a continental breakfast! While we think that it might be a touch of croup we are keeping a very close eye on him as there is a lot of whooping cough about at the moment! Back to the doctors on Monday for the little man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So hope Alfie is feeling better.
Yes - nothing changes! - always precious concerned parents!

xx xx