Monday, December 19, 2011

What's Doing Down Under ... is done for now!

This is What's Doing Down Under's 1010 post! Most of this has been the rantings of a mad man but the stats showed that quite a few people regularly staggered past on the Internet ... hopefully on their way to somewhere more interesting.

In the new year this page will shut up shop for the last time, you'll still be able to come back and peer in through the window at the last six plus years of posts but all new posts will will appear on a new Tumblr site of the same name...

There are a number of reasons for the change...

1. Time. Tumblr is more image driven, pictures tell a thousand words I simply don't have the time to post about the same things I've posted every year for the last six years. There is only so many times that I can write about my lucky escape from something poisonous ...
2. Space. My blogger account is getting close to capacity.
3. Ease. Linked to the time issue I'm wanting to use mobile devices to update whilst out and about so that I don't end up updating three months in one sitting!

Hope you don't mind the change? It'll preserve my sanity, give me back a little time to enjoy the Life Down Under that I'm supposed to be writing about and hopefully give What's Doing Down Under? a bit of a freshen up!

See you on the other side...

Merry Christmas ...

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks to you all for your Christmas wishes, cards and gifts, its so nice to hear from you and know that we are still in your thoughts.

Enjoy ... x

Ivey Dog ...

After talking myself up at an engagement party as a semi professional DJ of international pedigree (...I did do a couple of weddings, got booked and cancelled once! and nearly got booted from a Camp site during Run to the Sun!) I somehow managed to talk my way into getting the gig for the staff Christmas social! With no performing name the social club organiser suggested Ivey Dog and its stuck!

It was a great venue with a fully fitted out DJ kit and I managed to get through the night woithout too much stress ... I actually quite enjoyed it! The crowd was tough and after slinging down some 80's classics and having Ross to whip the crowd into a frenzy we manged to get everyone up and dancing! Ross also started a collection in a beer glass ending up with a total of $44.40 and the odd button or two!

After such a performance I'm sure that more bookings will follow ... none as yet but I'm sure they'll come!!!

Camping Holiday ...

With the Summer and the Christmas holiday coming along at the same time here in Australia its a great time to finish the school year, load up the trailer and head off up the coast for some camping. The weather has been quite unseasonal here so far so we did have half an eye on the long range weather forecast. However as things worked out we had a great week of weather ... with only one wet morning and the rest of the week gave us the kind of weather that allows you to get to the beach without your feet melting on the sand.

This is the second year we've been away with our antenatal class group and its great to spend some time with them and the kids. Our camp site was always a bustling place from around 5:30am when the sun came up through to 8pm in the evening. With eight under fours there is never a dull moment ... although the adults did manage some relaxation time!

This year we took along a gazebo so that we could all shelter from the sun/rain and have a place to hang out and watch movies from the projector in the evening.

Weather ... us Pommies love talking about the weather!

Cooking, feeding and showering became a daily ritual carried out with military precision...

... after the beach, the creek swim there was often a spot of time for some fishing.

The number twos (thats the second children rather than any Code Brown activity!) had a ball and were really starting to explore. Our saftey fence ensured that no one fell down the drop off, while the concrete slope provided endless hours of entertainment.... if you're looking for a late Christmas present for your toddler I remommend one!

I actually enjoyed the fishing experience with the boys and so I might reconsider my blanket ban on fishing and golf!

Santa put in an appearance on one night while Hawaiian, Mexican, Ladies and Mens nights served up some entertainment on the other evenings.

The boys had a great time. Charlie spent much of his time with Jasper and we think he might have made some headway in getting Charlie to share something!

Alfie however spent much of his time on his scooter, playing with cars or trying to impress his holiday romance Hayley!

We've been really lucky to have made some awesome friends since we've been here. Our car died two weeks ago and left us with a very large garage bill. One so large that you actually think is it worth repairing the damn thing! Worried that we might miss out on camp they had a whip around the group so that we could still go! While we couldn't accept we were genuinely touched by their kindness and generosity.

We've made some lifelong friends and so have the boys (and girl! Sorry Pinsince!) ...

Some beautiful family time after a long and very busy working year!

Plans are already well in motion for the Christmas Camp of 2012 ... looking forward to it already!

November 2011 ...

Right November ... ummm ... oh yeah I remember!

A baby possum landed in our garden and Beth proved herself quite the Steve Irwin by getting to grips with him until wildlife resuce could come and collect him. Apparently if he pulls through he'll be returned to us!!

Charlies hair grew back and so with it came his super powers!

There was Adam's and Kylie's wedding. A beautiful day and location ... I know very little of the reception although reports and some blurred camera shots suggest I was there and had a good time!

The A'League season is well underway and I'm actually starting to become a little more passionate about my home (from home) club. Thanks to Gentlemens Outfitters Charlestown and Cessnock Hyundai this season is proving to be a very enjoyable one... you've got to love corporate boxes! ;0)

Meanwhile on the pitch it would seem that I'm supporting mediocrity the World over Argyle second from bottom of League Two ... A'League and Newcastle = League Two in the Sun! ;0)

October 2011...

In an effort to catch up here are some monthly updates of what went down Down Under...

We posted the kids off by ship to be with our friends back in the UK so that they would be there for Christmas... 

We planted some seeds in the garden ...

... everyone helped out! Charlie also had a haircut!

Our water main burst for goodness knows how manyeth time... this provided Alfie and Charlie with no end of truck and digger entertainment. There was also the opportunity to watch the people who gather in hard hats around holes and repairs do very little!  

Month by Month updates ...

I'm sure its not gone unnoticed that the gap between posts gets longer and longer ... here are the updates of the boys albums with the last three months!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dudley Dunes ...

Beachside Banter ...

While Charlie and me dodged the waves and threw a stick for a dog, Beth and Alfie took some pictures ... what better way to start the day of rest! ;0)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

"Mum I don't do Broccoli... "

... protective glasses maybe an option for feeding time at the Zoo!

Swimming Sensations ...

With everyone back in the land of the living after both Beth and I sucummed to the "two days in bed" bug we ventured off to swimming lessons on Friday. Being on holiday this is rare opportunity to check in on Alfie's progress towards the 2020 Olympics! I only get to see him every ten weeks so I'm always amazed how much progress he has made.

He now swims without floats and is working on the finer points of being streamlined, pushing and gliding (apparently!), quite a change from the boy would would make himself sick before he got in!

Charlie on the other hand loves the water and doesn't mind the odd dunking, he has however taken something of a dislike to his "take no s**t nonsense" teacher ... she scares me! Still I'm sure its good for him!?!?

Here's a couple of clips of the boys in action... points of note here are Charlie's smile and Alfie's willingness to stay under for longer ... "I might be at the wall but my practices in the bath holding my breath aren't for nothing you know!" ... "Alf ... ALF ... you can come up now!"

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting ...

It's the holidays, its raining, Beth is in bed sick and the kids have cabin fever... lets get out ... somewhere ... anywhere!

In my desperation we end up at the shopping centre. A luck would have it Kung Fu Panda is in town ... time for the boys to let off some steam with some Kung u Fighting. I think they enjoyed it... what do you think?

Backyardigans ...

Plans are afoot in the back garden to make use of the space down in the far corner. Its all gone a bit crazy down there in the spot where a plastic potting greenhouse once proudly stood. More recently its become a dumping ground for pruned ferns, trees and piles of leaves ... well its time to take control.

We'll post some pictures (if) when we make progress.

Welcome Home ...

While Team Reece were relaxing in Sydney (...delivering Lily! ;0) ) House Reece was having a delivery of its own ... all their household belongs returned home.

Amy and Mitch have been away in Armadale for a year which is about a four and half hour drive (nine hours if I'm driving!) away. We were brave enough to do the trip once ... that put us off trying again!

It will certainly be good to have them back across the road although things will have changed just a little bit ... currently by about 1.6kg!

Welcome to the World: Lily Jane Reece

Please welcome the beautiful Lily Jane Reece...

She was born 25th September, and arrived little earlier than planned after Amy suffered from Pre-eclampsia. Measuring in at 1.519kgs and 42.5cm she fighting fit just needing little assistance to breath.

Lily is a symbol for purity, innocence, beauty and strength.... looks like she got the right name. Our thoughts and congratulations go out to Amy, Mitch and Lily for the next few weeks... we hope to have them all home from Sydney as soon as they are good and ready!

School Holidays ...

In the absence of anything more blog worthy here's a picture of Alfie snapped at school. You have to say its a lot better than I used to get at school ... where is the fake cloud background for goodness sake.

It captures Alfie's personality who incidentally has changed the well known parental phrase "What on Earth are you doing?" to "What are you doing on Earth?" which is far more profound. ;0)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nice one Alfie ...

Any parent knows that when your kids are quiet they're up to something. So when my phone gets an email I read it and I see eBay "Congratulations you've won a bagless vacuum cleaner!" I'm like "Beth"... and she's like "ALFIE!"

Alfie will be making good use of his new "toy" in coming months!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Mum ...

With everyone back at work this morning Sunday provided the perfect opportunity to celebrate Beth's birthday in the Sunshine. It was up and out in the morning as we went to the local indoor play centre for a leisurely breakfast with friends.

Later it was over to the Murdoch's house for some slip and slide action and a bite to eat in the evening. A great day...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Beach Life ...

Taken with Instagram @ Dudley Beach. Winter 2011.

Swimming ...

Alfie has made quite a bit of progress with his swimming - from clingy crying kid who would make himself sick before swimming to proud Graduate of Red Group! Here's a clip of him diving (falling with style!) into the pool and swimming a width.

Think 2012 selection is out of the question although by Rio 2016 he might be ready for selection or have actually completed his width! ;0)


The Summer veggies are in ...

... here's to a bumper crop! Head Gardeners to arrive end of November!!

Firemen ...

Here's a picture of Alfie and his Pre-School buddy at our school book week parade. Each week we dress as our favourite book characters and parade for the rest of the school, and this year the Pre-Schoolers got to come along and watch.

It was quite strange sitting their as a teacher watching Alfie at school, he is growing up so fast and it was quite strange. The good thing was that Beth was there working on the same day so mum and dad were both there working!

He'll have another year at Pre-School next year and will start Kindergarten in January 2013. He can go next year but we've decided to hold off for another year. Its quite a decision to make for parents with mid year birthday children, Alfie's not ready for 2012 in many ways but its horses for courses.