Friday, August 03, 2007

Alfie the Child Model...

With Alfie taking all of my good looks ... ;0) ... he's already been snapped up as a child model.

At his first photo shoot Jake the photographer left with an empty camera and his blanket covered in Weeeeeeee (Just for you Brett!) after Alfie threw a diva like tantrum. At the second shoot Alfie called the shots and rewarded us with some smiles amongst other facial expressions!

Jake is now using pictures of Alfie in the portrait section (pg9) of his website at, mum and dad even get in on the action! :0)


Brett, Kel, Elliott & Jasper said...

Will I never live the "Weeeeeeeee" incidenct down!

I'll be cheking the photo shoot over closely tonight and look forward to pictures of the "model family".

Hope there's a nude over the shoulder shot with Daddy, such a timeless pose ;o)

Anonymous said...

loveley picture of the little alphonso!!!!
but paulo...why is your head floating in space?!?! ;o)


Paul and Beth said...

Hey Alfredo is cute ain't he!

... as for me I look like I've taken up puppetry! :0)

... what can you do we had an excellent photographer booked for December but he had to cancel!!!! :0)

.. only jokin bud!