Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sunny Sydney and sad farewells...

We've returned from our Sydney trip making the two hour trip up the Highway with a spare seat in the back as we said a sad farewell to mum who flew back to the UK today. It's been great to have her here and spend time with us and Alfie, however it doesn't make saying goodbye any easier! It shouldn't be long before she gets to see Alfie again as we are hoping to get back to the UK for a visit before Alfie is two (after which he becomes a full fare paying passenger!) so watch this space...

Our adventure started early on Monday as we traveled down the Pacific Highway to Sydney, we managed to arrive stopping only once for Alfie who started to voice his displeasure about sitting in the car seat! The rest of the journey passed away with Grandma's animal sounds entertaining all... her elephant sounding like a creaking door for some reason!

Beth excelled herself for the first time in the map reading department as we found the hotel (Beth thinks that this is harsh as she says she has only "Let me down a few times!" I may withdraw the above comment in the cold light of day!) without too much hassle. It soon became apparent that the hotel had no record of the booking for Mum's room and that they had no cots (An email relating to the cot issue would arrive in my inbox at home 90 minutes later!!!... don't get me started!)After we sorted the rooms, placed a mattress on the floor for Alfie and helped mum move into what looked like the broom cupboard we headed into the city.

The clock was ticking on our Bridge Climb booking and so we hailed a cab to speed things along, now not too much has changed for us since Alfie arrived but we now realise that we can no longer take Taxi trips without a whole heap of hassle! Cutting a long story short we got to the bridge climb and had time to picnic outside. Inside Mum and I prepared for the climb, Beth who is a bridge climb veteran took Alfie for a feed and managed to talk passing strangers into buying her drinks as she was unable to get the buggy and the latched on Alfie inside to buy one herself. Out on the bridge Mum was kitted out and in her cap was more than a passing resemblance to Jeanette Kranky (... sorry Aussie readers you have no ideas who the Krankies are, maybe I'll explain one day!)I have to say that mum did brilliantly for someone who doesn't like heights. The whole experience was topped off with a wave to Beth and Alfie who reported that the little and large combo of mum and I (...not unlike the Krankies!)was easy to spot over 100 metres away!

Off the bridge it was down past the Rocks to a bar for some drinks (...warm milk for Alfie!)before strolling to have a mooch around the Opera House. Mum then treated us to a lovely alfresco meal as the darkness closed in. It was good to sit outside on a lovely Spring Day, it was really quite hot during the climb ...26 degrees! We then befriended a young backpacker and made sure she got back to the Hostel before retiring to the Hotel which was a little like Faulty Towers.

In the morning it was another early start before the short trip to the Airport where we said goodbye which is always hard having spent so much time together during the previous weeks. Back at home the spare room felt kinda cold and empty... we have no further bookings and so if you are seeking the perfect sunshine getaway we are taking bookings for Summer 07/08 and beyond. ;0)

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