Friday, March 09, 2007

The BIG move...

Well the time came and we went to pick up the van before picking up the keys to the house. The man who talked us through the truck didn't fill us with any confidence but it was cheap!... and despite rolling backwards down a hill in a line of traffic before braking and then engaging reverse (this vehicle is reversing ... beep beep!) it was all fairly straight forward. Beth had done lots of the hard work preparing to move the boxes to their new (and final!!!) home. Sharron and Joel helped load the van with almost everything we have here and it was off to the new house (we had to pick up the sofa by 5pm!). I unloaded all the boxes onto the decking including a double ma tress on my back like a turtles shell! Beth then got the call to get the keys from the Estate Agent (Real Estate.... here) and we were in and she was carried over the threshold. :0)

Matt, Liam and I then went to collect the sofa and the washing line while we had the van ... so at least we have somewhere to sit and to dry clothes! We also collected a sofa bed so that any visitors have a place to sleep!

Our first home together, we've spent so long renting that it was really nice to walk around our home making a list of all the little things that need doing.

I was a really tiring day for everyone... but everything went to plan.


Anonymous said...

disappointed in you know the best and most efficient way to move a mattress an it isnt on ya back!!!! ;o)

Paul and Beth said...

... I thought a skateboard was only useful for matress moves over long distances!?! ... I feel I've let you down! :0)