Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the inside...

Now that things are starting to be sorted out we thought that we better take some pictures of the inside of the house (we'll at least the tidy bits!) The bedrooms are the bits still to be sorted, and work on the nursery starts this weekend...

It's been great this week to have time to sit down and enjoy the house, we still can't quite believe its ours!!! Still enough chat, here it is....


Anonymous said...

Wow guys, the house looks absolutly fantastic already!!! Congratulations! It's just made us even more jelous!!!Hope you're both really well - you look it! Will e-mail again soon! Love S and P xxxx

Paul and Beth said...

Thanks yoooooooo guys!

We're getting there, nursery prep starts on Friday! ... and the removal of the lime green and red walls in the living room!!!

We're getting a little worrried about the predicted carnage that will be unleashed upon our living room over the next few years... you know eating the soil from the plant pots and climbing the bookcase... and thats just Beth! :0)

Thanks for the card guys... it gets pride of place in the slide show!

Anonymous said...

the house looks fantastic shame we cant be ther for the house warming !!

Beth cant believe you have only got such a short time to go

looks like you are looking after yourself days at the beach etc.

its nice to see you FAT!!! take care from Smudge...