Friday, March 16, 2007

Mow Show... and Australian Shopping!

Having thought that I'd got a bargain in buying an electric Grass Cutter it soon became apparent that I was probably the only person in Australia not using a petrol one! I was quite happy with the 40metre extension lead but with second thoughts not that practical for cutting the grass on a 600+ metre corner plot.... so back to the DIY shop it went!

Petrol mowers aren't cheap and so we are waiting for some to come up on "special," apparently last time there was a big offer they were all gone in 30 minutes!.. Beth and I turned up a full four days later expecting to get one!

We've now changed tactics with some success. Here are our tips for getting a bargain.

1, Pick up leaflets tossed onto your lawn on the Tuesday/Wednesday (no letter box!)
2, Study leaflets... look for stuff you ACTUALLY need (Beth then files the leaflets in a folder!!!... this is for experienced bargain hunters only!)
3, Wait for Wednesday night... set alarm clock!
4, Thursday morning get to shops!
5, Buy items... (in this case entertainment unit for TV!)

6, Spend six hours in 40 degree heat in a garage trying to assemble the parts provided so that the finished product looks something like the picture on the box!

... Then there's nothing to do but wait for next weeks leaflets.

Don't let a lack of cash stop you shopping... oh no!... put them on "layby!" You pay a deposit and they look after the item until you can pay for it in full!

The only other thing to remember is never pay full price for anything, a useful phrase to use is "Strewth mate.... how much for cash?"

Anyway back to the grass... we borrowed Matt's mower and mowed the lawn! (Promise not to post any more pictures of routine household chores eg: Paul loads dishwasher, Beth's cleans bathroom etc!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

600+ metre corner plot!!! hmmm theres no need to boast!!!!

goods to see you doing some honest work for a change!!!! ;o)

jay to tha peeeeeee