Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Alfie Jack Progress

I've just posted this very quickly while I'm at home collecting stuff to take to hospital, the full story of this amazing journey with the happy ending will follow later. It feels like a miracle!

The long and the short of it is that Alfie has made really good progress since coming off the "cooling" trial which had him shivering and living in a hibernation state. Once slowly warmed he became pinker and pinker to become the breast feeding baby we see today. He now has fewer leads and has a cot rather than an incubator. We're hoping the he will be downgraded to level two intensive care very soon... and then spend some time with us on the ward... before coming home (which we can wait for!)

He has more tests on Thursday 10am which are part of the ice trial before don't have a better idea of time scales than that. Each day at a time....

... thanks so much for all messages of love and support. They are all so very much appreciated and give us tremendous strength.

Better go I've got a baby to bath!


Karen and Jas said...

Hi guys,
Congratulations on the birth of Alfie. We are over the moon to hear that he is doing better. Beautiful Alfie makes our 9lb 11oz baby Isaac look like a midget. Can't wait to meet him!!! Kaz and Jas

Anonymous said...

dearest paul and beth congratulations once again i am so pleased that baby Alfie is getting better he looks beutiful now he is pinker, take care both of you, try and get as much sleep as you can before baby Alfie comes home you'll need it!!!
love from smudge XXXX

Anonymous said...

Have seen the pictures and He's looking good .Many congratultions and love to you all.