Wednesday, February 13, 2008

He's walking!!!

After a long day at work I came home to find Alfie walking with the help of a push along. Apparently Beth was on the phone when Alfie worked out what to do with it. It's great to catch these moments as you can miss out on these little milestones when your not at home all the time. I still think that I'm coming to terms with working away from home full but everyone else copes so I will get my head around it soon!

Check out this magical video clip...


Anonymous said...

Hello Alfie, Beth, Paul
Yes, a v magical video!Ooooooooohhhhh Alfie you are SO
clever - walking with walker, sometimes one handed! beautiful smiling, 'talking', playing twinkle little star - yes, you are a STAR!!xx and music on activity table - multi talented and not even 10 months -
Have Fun! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nanny & Grampy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Wow.... What a little mover! Oz thinks he will be a stunt man when he grows up as he's already pushing along one handed and impressing his crowd!!!!! Now the fun really starts for you........

Enjoy every moment
With love from

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see the little chap tottering along.
Our little chap is out in the garden helping his daddy build a shed!
Love to you all.
Lloyd, Lou, Hannah and Toby x